The Hallmark House is Open!

It's this time of year that hallmark feels just like a home. I'm certain that I spend more time there than in my apartment! We have just moved into Phase IV of the program which means we are preparing for our final portfolio. Our work has finally reached the point that the school is using some of the images as the rotating banner on their website (new selections every week). Even more exciting than that, the first gallery for the class of 2009 was posted to the site. It's associated with the student-run open house coming up in April so it is temporary, but it's great to see some of our work brought together.

Take a look for yourself!

Life as a student.

Yeah right.  It's like all the stresses of professional photography!  I just turned in my Phase III assignments (18 of them in all) and I was given another 8 assignments only 4 hours later.  My plan to relax and catch up with friends/family has been foiled until the 13th!  Does anyone find it funny that this will be the second Friday the thirteenth in two months?  Good thing I'm not superstitious.

PS - Send the warm weather.  It was 10 degrees when I started the car this morning. :)

Just a thought...

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