I am officially a Hallmark Institute of Photography alum!
Gratitude Day
Friday, June 19, 2009 | Posted by Monika Michelle at 9:20 PM 0 comments
... for Life
Every so often in life you are given opportunities that leave an imprint on you deep enough that you know you'll always hold a "visual of the experience". The past two days have been like that for me. I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Franklin County "Relay for Life"... an experience that I won't soon forget. Along with 20 or so of my fellow Hallmark classmates, instructors, and alumni we spent 20 plus hours photographing in incredible event! Yes, all night and into the next day. What I will take from this experience is a better understanding of what it means to live with, live through, live without and live for...
Sunday, June 14, 2009 | Posted by Monika Michelle at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Roller or Coaster?
A day or so ago I described my life to someone as being one of the cars on the track of a roller coaster, slowly climbing the first peak. Click-Clack-Click-Clack. Ten months of work at Hallmark and I somehow wonder whether I am ready for that moment when my "car" is released at the top of the incline. Often in life people describe themselves as being "stuck in a situation". It occurred to me that can't actually be the case. Life is in a constant state of motion, we have only to choose whether to roll forward with intention or coast. Today I choose to roll... maybe even jump the tracks.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 | Posted by Monika Michelle at 10:41 PM 0 comments
My (not so) little brother...
As my final portfolio review lingers 'til the end of next week I found a few days to escape western Mass and spend some time with my family in Illinois. I am so excited for the chance to "hang out" with my brother and his girlfriend as it's been more than a year since I've seen them. It's not easy to get back and forth from Japan (where he's lived for about three years now). He hasn't lost his pestering younger brother ways, but when I look at him in pictures he seems far from resembling the title of "little brother".

Friday, June 5, 2009 | Posted by Monika Michelle at 2:09 PM 0 comments