Ring around the...

MOON!  Wasn't it an incredible phenomenon?  I looked up in the sky early in the evening to see what I thought was a ring but it was way too early to diagnose.  It wasn't until I got a 10pm call from my weather-savvy friend (you know who you are) that I took another look.  Her grand entrance to the conversation was something like "quick, get your camera, the moon".  I've taken pictures of quite a few things in the last year but never been commissioned with such a sense of urgency!  It was a bit like and episode of "Camera 911: When you're iPhone just won't do the trick".  All that being said, I spent some time roaming the neighborhood with my tripod and DSLR in the dark (hoping that the neighbors wouldn't call me in as a prowler).  Here is my favorite shot from this episode.  Tune in Monday for the series continuation...


Just a thought...

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